Me, Really?

Friday, October 5, 2018

I found my beauties curled up with books on the couch this morning.  A rare, slow morning for them.  The dreariness of the early made me tired.  Dressed for the day, the morning routine was just that, so much so, that I hardly recognized the significant.  You see, my girls were to be my sidekicks for the day.  Hot chocolates and pancakes out and about because today was going to be special.  Anticipating the day, I didn't immediately recognize what they had done.  While curled on the couch, they had noticed me.  So, there my beauties stood in long dresses and cardigans, just like their momma, because they wanted to be like me.  That realization floored me.

Me?  Really?  What a high calling we have as women and mothers.  The significance of today wasn't lost on this momma.  We walked the course of today in our subtle matching ways and all this momma's heart could hope for was their steps, too.  My path has at time been crooked and windy and over course terrain.  But what I hope is the same faithfulness.  The same faithfulness of friendship, of a kind soulmate, and of a great, big God that I can attest to today and every day.

Day 4 of 31 of the #write31days challenge.


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