
Monday, October 3, 2016

We met when we were thirteen and fourteen.  Thus, we had a lot of living to do before it was even legal to marry.  We didn't have cars, let alone driving permits.  I guess, our age set-up boundaries that came to play a pivotal role in our togetherness.

After years of marriage, being together is by far our most favorite thing.  However, togetherness in dating looked a lot different.  We both had friends and sports that kept us apart at times.  This is healthy and normal and so, so okay.  Setting boundaries as to how much time we spent just us made us better.

We can now look back on those years and thank God for the friendships and the experiences that we had apart, just as much as the ones we had together.  Because, friends, if we would have spent ten years enamored with one another to the point of never letting each other truly become who we individually were meant to be, we'd be a sad, sad version of ourselves. 

We were meant to be apart of a community.  It is healthy to foster community when you are dating.  Truly, community is what made life richer.  As the years went by, community looked different and slowly we spent more and more time together.  However, the progression is what is of value here.

Friends, you want to look back at your young dating years and be proud of how you are remembered.  Don't lose yourself and all of your beautiful facets.  Love your boyfriend enough to step away and let him become him.  Love your girlfriend enough to make space for what makes her heart sing.  I guarantee you'll love them even more because of it.

Save that intense togetherness for marriage.  I promise, you will never regret it.

Day 3 of 31 of the #write31days challenge


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