We printed it on gold paper and both signed it.
Kind of a cheese fest, I know. But you know what? Maps are a good thing. When you read directions and follow directions, the results are better more often than not. Dating is no exception. If you say that you are committed, then be this committed. Committed to those things tucked deep in the recesses of your heart that often are lost in the heat of the moment. Write down things that are big and small in your worlds. These are the things that will define your relationship. And here's a spoiler. The promises we made then are almost all applicable over seven years into marriage.
I am not saying that you have to make a literal contract, though, I am a big fan. What I am trying to reiterate, girls, is to be committed. Be committed in the big things and the small things, even in the dating pursuit of marriage.
What started off as a contract to be sexually pure until marriage wound up being a page of promises that emboldened that decision.
Your dad and I love a good adventure. But, we always keep a road map tucked in our back pockets.
Day 28 of 31 of the #write31days challenge
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