Project Orson: Week Fifty-Two.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

One year ago today, I laid eyes on my Orson Birch.  And today, he is one.  No longer zero, no longer all baby, no longer entirely dependent on his momma... just one.
Admittedly, I wasn't sure about being a boy mom.  In some ways, it felt like being a first time mom all over again.  Do you snuggle a baby boy or fist bump his little newborn hand?  Winds up, you snuggle. A lot.
Orson Birch, you live up to your name.  Bear cub.
You are just about as sweet as it gets.
And hilarious as all get out.
God knew that this momma needed a calm, sweet, and easy babe.  And he gave me you.
Orson Birch, we are grateful, beyond grateful, for your sweet spirit, your silly ways, and your ability to pull off dork glasses from day one.
Happy Birthday, my handsome.  You are so loved.

p.s. This boy has a favorite blue spoon, which evolved into the theme for his first birthday.  The fabric is Orson Norman Spoonwell.


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