He Didn't Say a Thing.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

So, last week I stopped into our local Salvation Army to grab an armful of books.  I was hoping to use them as bait for my uber stubborn, almost-potty-trained daughter.  After successfully securing nine new books to the tune of $2.25, I was skipping to the check-out when I saw this. The tag said $15.
Ah! I was immediately smitten.  I had the kind worker man throw it in the back of the van without so much as a picture text to the husband.  Back home, I didn't dare mention it.  I brought in the books and nonchalantly mentioned that I had stopped by the thrift store.  "Nice."  Later that evening, we hopped in the van.  I could tell that he saw it, but he just kept on driving.  A good man, I dare say.  It needed a little tlc.
There were chips and dirt, but nothing a little elbow grease and stain pen couldn't fix.  It isn't perfect, but we are liking its chippy state.
And those legs.  Almost as good looking as that good man of mine.  Meow.

Have you guys found any good steals lately?


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