Forty-Eight Weeks.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Our bitty baby is eleven months old.
This week she started crawling like a mad woman.  She pulled herself up on the open door of the dishwasher (#momfail or #momwin, I can't decide) a few days ago.  I can hardly believe that she is strong enough to pull a lamp down on herself, as well as an art chair.  Wait, I wasn't supposed to admit that publicly.  Just call her Curious Ila.  However, instead of accidentally calling the fire department or floating away by means of a bouquet of balloons, her curiosity usually comes by way of a loud falling object.  She usually giggles about it.  Sort of like this.
 She soon tired of giggling and gave us the her sign that it was just about naptime.
That face gets me every time.  Only four more weeks until my baby is one.  Shoooot, I need to rekindle my bff friendship with Miss Sewing Machine stat.  Fifty-two yards of fabric to organize, cut, and sew.  Heaven Kerry help me.


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