Ona is Twenty-Three Months.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Good golly, we have a twenty-three month old.  Which means we have an almost two year old.  Which means my inner mommy tears are starting to well party planning gears are starting to move.  But before we can even think about two, our big girl had to turn twenty-three months.
For some reason we favored a more serious photo over a more smiley one.
Maybe it is because the more inquisitive look is totally Ona.  She is curious as all get out and repeats just about everything you say and do.  Holy best behavior momma!  Really, Ona just wanted to be her spunky self.  So she tried to hide.
Then she moved on to some sweet dance moves a la Cousin Itt.
She is just about the most lovely thing I know, even if she is wearing a shirt straight out of the dirty laundry.

There is only one photo left in Project Ona.  Okay, those mommy tears are real and coming. 


  1. So crazy--I can't believe she is almost 2! I just had to go look back at all her other pictures. So fun to see how quickly they change!



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