Fourth Anniversary.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The hubs and I celebrated our fourth anniversary this past week.  We didn't buy each other cards and instead put the ten bucks towards a new lens for our dslr.  Romantic right?  We shoot with a Cannon Rebel T1I.  Nothing super fancy, but we've been doing our best to learn the basics of shooting in manual.  We decided that with the number of photos that we take of our favorite little gals that it would be sweet to have a lens that had an aperture higher than 3.5.  We ended up purchasing this lens, as well as a lens extension for macro shooting.  We actually bought them both locally and then went out and celebrated our anniversary by taking silly pictures.  Here are our favorites.
Manual shooting is a lot harder than automatic, but we are so trying to have patience to learn!

For the love of sweet photos and my sweet, sweet husband.  I love you so.


  1. I have that lens too! :) But very sadly, I am not very patient when it comes to learning manuel. :(
    These pics turned out great! Happy anniversary! :)

    1. Amy!! Awesome. Gosh, it is so hard, but at something akin to a turtle pace we are finally figuring it out. There are still waaay too many pictures that turn out bad though. Here's to the journey!



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