
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Do your kids have a favorite toy, blanket, etc.?  I don't remember having one as a child.  There was a handmade pink blanket that I loved and I couldn't sleep without my glow worm, but there was never anything that I remember carrying around.  When Ona started becoming interested in things, she never did either.  Except that she loved socks.  Like super loved socks.  Like would wear them on her hands and hold them to go to sleep.  Like would smell them, clean or dirty.  Like would tickle her nose with them.
I think socks were her pacifier.  We were totally okay with it.  In fact, we thought it was kinda super cute.  So I had this idea to make Ona a sock blanket of sorts for Christmas.  I bought a faux fur skin at Hobby Lobby and then sewed a pack of socks to the inside.
I sewed them so that they would flap and could be held.
As I type this, I realize how ridiculous this seems.  To appease the oddness (is that possible?), I sewed a single sock to the fur side.
Kinda cute right?  Okay, I know its weird.  I am weird and I birthed the most beautiful weird girl.  What is more weird is how I never thought about what kind of monster I was creating.  No not monster in a scary sense, but monster in a now-she-has-to-have-it-with-her-all-the-time kind of sense.  Ona and her sock blanket are bffs.  
In a way it kinda makes my heart smile because I know my girl so well and knew she would love it.  I just never thought it would be something that she loved this much.  Sockie has been with her through so much in her short life.  Like when she bashed her front teeth in last week.  Oh yeah, Ona fell last week and dislocated her two front teeth.  It was horrible.  She was so strong and Sockie was with her on the dentist table.  And was with her the next day when her mouth was super swollen.
She loves to tickle her nose and smell Sockie.  She shares Sockie with everyone.  Yes, I smell Sockie at least ten times a day.  Ona is protective of people's response.  Her most recent convert is her baby sister.
Wait for it...
This is the scene most mornings.
If Ila wakes up first, she hops in bed with Ona and it looks more like this.
This girl is something else.  She is such a bitty brute, but has a super soft place in her heart for her Sockie.  It may have become a bit more of an obsession than I had ever dreamt it would be, but I am okay with that.  Even if it means an extra five minutes every day searching high and low for Sockie.  I am so glad she has found a security in Sockie and my prayer is that she will find that same bff security in Jesus someday.  Amen and amen.


  1. Haha! I love this! (even though I hate, like, HATE socks, lol) I just love that you know her well enough to know she would love it. :)

    1. That's hilarious! I mean I can't say that socks make my heart skip a beat, but don't have a total abhorrence either. ;) Kids are so funny!



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