Ila is Two Weeks.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Miss Ila turned the big two weeks today!  Ona has a wee bit of a cold, so during a rare morning nap (hallelujah) we snapped Ila's weekly photo. 
She is gaining a bit of expression every day.  Today it kinda went like this. 

"Yea, I am cute and I know it."
"Okay, all of these photo are booooring."
"Alright already, I am cold.  Why I oughta."
I think the biggest difference since birth is in those getting-chubbier-daily cheeks.  Love 'em!

p.s. We haven't made a trek to the grocery store in over a week and our fruit amounted to a few raisins and a pile of browning bananas.  So naturally, I made this easy banana bread this morning.  Yum. 


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