After the dreaded sickness going around hit our home - the nerve - we were feeling the itch to do something other than nap and blow our noses with our last few days of winter break bliss. After searching around for children's museums in and around the area, we stumbled upon Discovery World in Milwaukee, WI. With Ona being just shy of seventeen months, none of the children's museums seemed to be quite her level. Maybe next year. We noticed that Discovery World had an aquarium and figured Ona would get a kick out of the fishies. Much to our surprise, this place was awesome. Seriously, everything was curated really sweetly and in an artistic fashion. The aquarium area was really cool with both fresh and salt water tanks and the other exhibits were just as neat. Plus, it was not very busy and had lots of wandering space, which is a perfect recipe for a roaming toddler. It wasn't overwhelmingly large, totally achievable even with a toddler, and super fun. Here are a few highlights.
I think my favorite part of the museum is its location. Seriously, every room was bursting with light and views of Lake Michigan.
We would totally recommend checking this place out. It was such a blast and we know a little gal who thought so too. Proof? Passed out within three minutes of being buckled in. #walkingmilesistoughwithshortlegs.
Any other awesome toddler friendly museums out there that we should know about? Pray tell us.
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