Big Girl Room.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Our big girl finally has a completed big girl room!  It has been months in the making and it feels good to finally have all of the puzzle pieces in place.  Way back when we were preparing a nursery for Ona, we purposely decorated it in a gender neutral gray with fairly neutral accents.  Yellows, whites, etc.  So, we rolled with the idea of keeping the nursery and moved Ona into a new room.  We started with an extremely blank slate.  Think primed walls and a single light bulb fixture.  If you follow me on instagram--my new fav--then you may have seen sights like this.

I dreamed up a vision of what the room could be and Kerry, per usual, used brute labor and his creativity to make it come true.  When I think of Ona, I think of quirky, girly, and a bit old fashioned.  She is a pink and purple girl through and through with funky idiosyncrasies like sock and doggie obsessions.  The room wound up becoming a melting pot of mismatched art, layered patterns, and a splash of vintage flair.  Without further adieu, I, with an over ecstatic and uber pregnant clicking of heels, give you Ona's big girl room.
Ona moved in a few weeks back and seems to love her new big girl space.  Her favorite part is her my sized pink couch.
Isn't it fun to see any space finally come together?  Anyone else rockin' a mix of just about every color/pattern out there?

Oh, and here is a bitty source list of the project.
Pink Couch
Pink Elephant
DIY Crib Skirt
Doggie Art 
Dresser Knobs-Hobby Lobby
Bitty Stool & Majority of Collage Frames-Homegoods

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