Waking up this morning twenty-seven weeks pregnant, I found myself whispering hello third trimester.
I cannot even believe how fast time is flying. My guess is that it has something to do with spending most of my spare moments sprinting after a certain fifteen month old. Anyways, I started doing a quick comparison checklist of my two pregnancies and one glaring difference came and slapped me in the face: exercise. I love to be active, but exercising for exercising doesn't light any sort of fire in my hiney. During Ona's pregnancy we had a membership to our local YMCA and I was really good about going 3-4 times a week; walking and becoming bff with the elliptical. This pregnancy I have totally blamed my lack of exercise on chasing that aforementioned toddling toddler. It isn't a good enough excuse. I am a firm believer that exercising is what helped make my eight day overdue delivery so smooth. And me likey smooth. So, I made up my mind last night to do something about it and am issuing myself a for the love of all things, I've got less than three months left in this pregnancy, so onward woman challenge. It sounds crazy, but my goal is to walk at least one hundred miles before baby girl is born. If you break it down into two mile increments that theoretically gives me forty days off over the next ninety. Really, doable. At least that is what I am telling myself. I started my treadmill love affair tonight and like a total overly organized pregnant brain, began a spreadsheet of my progress.
Thank goodness for DVR, HGTV, and ice cream ... lots of ice cream. #pregnantgirltreats. Well, here's to one hundred miles.
For the love of baby girl number two.
P.S. #crazypregnancygoalsmakemyheartgopitterpatter can you tell?
I can't believe how far along we are already! Good luck with your 100 miles! I wish we had a treadmill :)