Baby Girl's Name.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The long awaited puzzle for baby girl's name is here!  I love puzzles and was feeling particularly wordy, so this girl's name puzzle is starting off in a more lyrical type of fashion.  Kerry helped me sharpen it last night.  He thinks it may be a bit too hard, but I have faith in y'all that you can figure out our puzzle madness.

So without further adieu, the first clue to baby girl's name.  I would love, love, LOVE if you play along.

Ah, can't wait to see what you all come up with!  Feel free to ask questions.  We might not answer, but may take them into consideration for the next clue(s).  Heck, who I am I kidding, you all are brilliant enough to figure this out with one clue.

For the love of baby girl and puzzles!


  1. First name... Iris or Ivy. Not sure about the middle name. This is a very clever riddle!



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