March Blues Buster Challenge Week 3

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March Blues Buster Challenge Week 3 has come to a close.  Here are this week's submissions.

Cathy, my-sister-in-law, hosted a baby shower for her sister {so my husband's brother's wife's sister}.  Ha, I couldn't resist saying that.  She said she gleaned a lot of her inspiration from Pinterest.  First, she made these super cute owl cookies.She used an old family recipe for the sugar cookie and then decorated with yellow frosting.  Using a heart shaped cookie cutter, she used the "heart parts" as a guide for the  blue sugar wings.  Then using the 'ole frosting in a plastic baggie trick, she squeaked out those cute orange talons.  She finished the little owls with mini chocolate chips for eyes and a beak.  The baby's nursery is owl themed, so they were a perfect fit!

These fruit kabobs in watermelon were a big hit!  Looks so fancy, and pretty easy to make!
Part of the festivities was cutting fabric to make onsies for the little man on the way.  They turned out great.  What baby couldn't use more onsies, especially handmade ones?Thanks Cathy for all of your DIY baby shower inspiration!

I had the awesome privilege of designing the baby shower invitation + memory card for the occasion.Kerry and I have a handful of in-the-middle-so-sort-of-ugly projects going on, so not ready for a reveal yet.  So there you have it.  March Blues Buster Challenge Week 3.

See ya back in a few days for the last of the March Blues Buster Challenges.  Seriously, is it almost April?


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