It's Grass Time.

Monday, March 12, 2012

It was astoundingly gorgeous this past weekend.  Is it just us or did winter simply pass us by this year?  I mean we're not complaining, but taking family walks in short sleeves in March is about as foreign to us as eating brussel sprouts.  Sorry, we are really trying to branch out into the veggie world, but every time I see b.s. in the store I sort of shutter to myself.  Someday.

Anyways, Ona sat in the grass by herself for the first time in her life.  She loved plucking at the grass and crunching the few leaves we have left in the yard.

She was a little ham in her floral snowsuit, find it here.  The warm weather made us realize that we had better start planning for our outdoor decorating this year--including a deck and lots of planting!  Is it weird that I called it outdoor decorating?  Either way, time to get the green thumb on!

Oh, and over the weekend Kerry made this super funny (at least I think so) video entitled Curious George Meets Ona.  Even if it wasn't made by my hilarious husband, I would totally recommend checking it out.

Who else thinks this should become a little mini-series of snippet videos with inanimate object voice overs from around the house?  Picture me with two arms up, frantically waving YES PLEASE!


  1. Love the movie. Just watched it at work. Made my day :)

  2. You guys are always good for a smile (chuckle)!

  3. Awesome! It is so random, but you gotta laugh at the little monkey. ;)



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