Finished Kitchen.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Three hundred and twenty-one days after our initial kitchen renovation post, we are done.  If I could jump and click my heels for twenty-four hours straight, I probably would.  For two and half years our do with what you got kitchen looked like this.Then for eight months it stayed in this almost finished state.  We blame it on the arrival of our favorite baby girl.Finally, this morning I poured my two Wheaties bowl packs here.After his minor ran-out-of-tile hiccup. Kerry finished up the copper penny tile + grout this past week.We are pretty nuts about how it turned out.  To be honest, we were a bit concerned that it would look a little boring as one solid wall of penny tile.  However, because of the slight imperfections of laying the tile, they are not all perfectly flat against the wall.  I mean they feel flat when you touch them, but the under cabinet light dances off of them, which gives a multicolored hue.  See what we mean? Overall, we are pretty stoked with the result.  It was a ton of work, as evidenced here, here, here, here, and here, but really was so fun!  I mean, every great house project has a few tears, but it's kinda like childbirth, you forget about the pain the moment you pour your Wheaties bowl packs lay eyes on your baby.  Here are a few more shots.We have never once regretted the decision to mix the two types of cabinets or the hours spent designing it at the Menards kiosk.  We say, if you love something go for it, no matter how many oh dear, that is such a weird combo comments spoken or simply felt you get along the way.

So, again, just to humor us and our sore muscles.  Our kitchen went from this.To this.

Thanks for journeying through all three hundred and twenty-one days with us.

Oh, and one benefit of Kerry working at General Mills is dirt cheap food.  Seriously, we purchased this same $77.28 case of bowl packs here for $3.00.  Thus, the Wheaties bowl pack references.  Oh, the joys.



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