Foodies, She Loves 'em.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Some people have asked us how our experience with baby led weaning has been going.  In short, it has been going great!  As crazy precautious parents, we did take a infant choking and CPR class last week, just in case.  We are hoping it is one of those now-that-you-know-you-will-never-need-it type of things.  Now that Ona is officially six months old, we've tried to be even more adventurous with her food.  There really hasn't been anything that she hasn't liked yet.  This week we've introduced her to meat.  Tonight's chicken was a big hit.It is quite messy, but it is super fun to see her explore and learn along the way.  Her faces kill us.With no teeth, Ona sucks on most things and then chews with her gums.  We wondered if she was actually getting anything down, and then it was confirmed.  Nice, chunky, and green.  We'll keep you updated once she gets some teeth!


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