The Office... A Picture Progression

Saturday, January 7, 2012

After always saying "someday we will paint the office," we decided to finally paint the office, and make it into a functional work space for both of us. Having time off for Christmas and New Years, we had abundant time to focus on a project.  Here is a brief picture transformation of the office, and Heather will elaborate on the process tomorrow.

Well here it is... A catch all room we called the office to an office!

Lovely ClutterBill the DurangoClutter be gone (Hi Ona)Testing out cabinet position and rug choiceA little paint trialDaddy's Little Helper!Putting up crown mouldingCounter tops onBehold...Finishdo (FEE-NEESH-DOE)

Let's look at that before and after...


  1. Thanks ladies! ;) We actually stole my chair from the kitchen table, as one spot has been taken over by Ona's highchair. ;) I am keeping my eye open for one to recover or something, but for now it works great.

  2. Love the difference in monitor size. Must be a man thing!



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