a daddy shower

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Surprises are almost always sweet, especially when they’re made up of little girly things. Kerry and I have so many things to be thankful for and his team at work is just one of those things.  Last Wednesday his team threw him a surprise baby shower.  I mean, an all out daddy baby shower. Picture it:: twelve mostly middle age-ish women and one fellow fella sitting in a semi-circle with homemade treats and gifts wrapped in pink ribbon, as Kerry ::in a wholly manly way:: oos and ahs over cupcake onsies and hiney wipes.  I can hardly picture it, and when I do I am torn between feelings of hilarity and preciousness.  His team spoiled Ona and certainly made Kerry (and I) feel so incredibly loved.One of my favorite presents was a pink, crown wearing princess piggy bank that had been doctored up just for Ona.The princess piggy’s hiney cracks me up with it’s 08.5.2011 (Ona's birthday) inscription. For some odd reason it reminds me of Sally’s tattoo on Cars.  Somebody tell me I am not crazy and you know where I am coming from.

Thanks so much to the A crew chewy team for blessing our baby socks off!





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