::graped:: named.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our little babe grapes are growing up, so we thought we'd better give them name tags!  Okay, I promise not to go hog wild with my newly downloaded photo editing apps forever, but I couldn't contain myself.

The name tags are actually small pieces of powdercoated aluminum and vinyl stickers indicating the variety and year of planting that Kerry meticulously assembled and then installed::

Seriously, this man is a man.with.a.drill.hear.me.roar type of fellow and I am madly in love with him for it ::even if he feigns concentration with his tongue sticking out::.  We placed one on every post in the vineyard, so forty in all.

Our little vine babes have gotten so big.  As we said before, this first year is basically a let nature take its course year.  We will simply allow these to grow wild, which will focus all of the vines effort on their root systems.  This will be essential for maximum growth in the future.

Well, say it with me, grow babes grow.


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