today was theee day.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The much anticipated, long awaited, calendar flipping, second-by-second counting  [nope, we've not been longing for this day or anything] day has finally arrived.  Bright and early this morning [8:30AM, see above longing] the hubs and I had our twenty week ultrasound.  Now, I had no idea until a few weeks ago that the sheer mention of twenty weeks in the pregnancy world sends out gonging, clamoring symbols that yes, gender determination is possible.  The hubs and I totally give kudos to those people who can wait forty-one weeks to find out, but we for two are not those people.  So with overwhelming excitement and cause for lots of hold hands n' jump up n' down moments, we'd like to say...

Yup, the hubs is bound to be outnumbered come this July!  We are soooooo excited for our little gal babes and are totally crazy about her. Already.  We even went on a little shopping spree tonight, but that's babe blog fodder for another day.

Thanks for sharing in our excitement n' love.

Kerry, Heather, & our baby gal.


  1. Aw CONGRATS you guys!!! Can't wait to see your lil girl :)



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