door dilemma.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Well we've got a dilemma, a door dilemma.  The hubs and I have been trying fervently of late to determine a color to paint all of our interior doors--never mind the fact that they have been their white primed selves for nearly two years.  We have tried a lot of colors and even picked out a favorite--Ash by Pittsburgh Paints.  Well, after painting a few doors, we're not convinced.  Hoping for a bit of artsy contrast, Ash seems to simply be white, like really, just white.  See what we mean.

We scoured Benjamin Moore samples last night ::totally just realized that we had local access to Benjamin Moore through good 'ole Farm N' Fleet:: and picked up a few more samples.  Our hope is a bit of a light gray cranberry, nope, not picky at all. Wish us not another two years luck.  Updates to come!


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