And now we wait. The wine we spoke of last week had a chance to sit and begin it's fermentation process over the past eight days. Step two occurred over this past Sunday and Monday. All that was needed was to invert nearly four pounds of sugar by boiling with an equal amount of water.
Note this should only be a one day/one hour process.
However, I (Heather) drew a complete mind blank while preparing the sugar and solely added 1/3 cup, when a quart was necessary. Needless-to-say, what we ended up with looked more like a revolting scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Oh the perils of winemaking.
Monday night we finished straining the grape skins and seeds from the mixture, added [four pounds of sugar + quart of water] mixture, and funneled it into two one gallon jugs. Placed the stopper, and fermentation lock, and here we wait ... but for two to three months this time.
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